Monday, April 11, 2011

Another strong quake jolts Japan

5:21 pm: Japan's NHK World Live has uploaded a video of the quake and the subsequent aftershocks. Experts are reportedly saying today's quake could be an aftershock of last month's big quake.
More stories on the Japan devastation

2:30pm: According to the site Japan Quake Map, the numbers of the quake has increased to 16, although most are mild after shocks. Here's a map that helps you track today's quakes.

Japan expanded the evacuation zone around Fukushima plant after today's quake and multiple aftershocks. Read full story here.

2 pm: Exactly a month after the devastating Japan quake, another one jolts the country. The latest quake measures 7.1 on the Richter scale.

Tsunami alerts have been sounded along the eastern and north eastern coast of Japan.

Power supply to the Fukushima plant has been shut down although there aren't any fears of more nuclear leakage yet.  A news advisory says there aren't any reports of damage to the nuke plants.
Even as the country battles the latest quake, efforts to rebuild the devastation zones have been underway for the past month. In this Al Jazeera video, a survivor shares his story.

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